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4 Reasons A Dental Implant May Be Your Best Option For Tooth Replacement

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If you have a missing tooth, your dentist may present multiple tooth replacement options, such as a dental bridge or a dental implant. The average cost of a single tooth dental implant with the abutment and crown is about $4,250, and the cost of a dental bridge usually ranges between $500 and $1,200. You may consider making your selection based on cost alone. However, the advantages of a dental implant usually exceed the upfront financial investment. Here are a few reasons that a dental implant may be your best option for tooth replacement:

Bone Stimulation

The root of a tooth stimulates the jawbone as you chew. However, once the root is removed, bone loss can occur from the lack of stimulation. 

With a dental implant, a titanium screw is inserted into the jawbone to replace the root of the tooth. The screw, which fuses with the bone over time through osseointegration, stimulates the bone in the bone in the same manner as a natural dental root. Thus, the implant discourages the atrophy of the bone tissue.

Aesthetic Benefits

A dental implant looks and acts like a natural tooth. Once the crown is placed, it may be virtually indiscernible from your other teeth. 

There may be multiple crown types to choose from, but porcelain and porcelain-over-metal crowns may provide the most realistic looking appearance. The translucent nature of the porcelain mimics the tone variations and luminosity of natural tooth enamel.


Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. If the bone fuses properly with the implant screw and no infection develops, the implant can remain in place like a natural tooth root indefinitely. Still, crown problems can eventually develop, but crown replacement has no bearing on the longevity of the implant screw.

Dental bridges typically last between five and 15 years.

No Damage to Adjacent Teeth

Unlike a dental bridge, a dental implant does not require the debridement of any of your natural teeth. Since a dental bridge is held in place by dental crowns. The natural teeth that lie beneath the crown supports must be filed down or reshaped for crown placement. 

Although dental bridges and dental implants both help prevent adjacent teeth from shifting out of alignment, a dental implant is often the best option for replacing a single tooth. If you have a missing tooth, contact a dentist like http://greeleydentalhealth.com in your area for a consultation to determine if implantation dentistry is suitable for you.
