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Canker Sores And Helping Your Child Prevent Them

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Your child may be bound to experience a canker sore from time to time. Still, there are things you can do to reduce the recurrence of these sores. Here is some information about canker sores and how you can help to prevent your child from developing them:

What is a canker sore?

A canker sore is actually an ulcer inside your mouth, but don't be alarmed. This type of sore is actually pretty common.

Many canker sores are uneventful. They are small, a bit uncomfortable and their pain may be more noticeable when you speak or chew.

You child is most likely to get a canker sore on the inside of his or her cheek, but these sores may also appear on the tongue, gums, inner lip or even on the roof of the mouth.

Why do canker sores appear?

No one is entirely sure why canker sores appear. However, there appears to be a genetic predisposition for these sores, so you may have passed along the condition. Still, there is no definitive research or evidence on the cause of canker sores

Nevertheless, some studies have suggested that these maladies are a result of stress or biting or cutting the inside of your mouth. Even acidic foods could help a canker sore grow and develop, so discourage your child from snacking too much on citrus fruits, such as pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, and tomatoes.

Can canker sores be serious?

As stated earlier, there is no real need to worry about most canker sores. Many are mild and will diminish pretty quickly. However, there are instances in which a canker sore can signal something more serious. If your child's canker sore comes with a fever, fatigue or lymph nodes that are swollen, then you should take him or her to see a dentist or doctor as soon as possible.

If your child has a compromised immune system, he or she may be more prone to serious canker sores, and your youngster may experience a higher recurrence of the sores than people with strong immune systems.

How can you offset the recurrence of a canker sore?

 A diet high in iron, folic acid, zinc and vitamin B12 can help your child be less likely to get canker sores, so encourage them to eat leafy green vegetables.

If you are worried about your child's canker sores and his or her oral health, contact your local pediatric dentist for more helpful guidance.

Click here for more on pediatric dentistry or do an online search. 
