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2 Tips for Numbing Tooth Sensitivity When Getting Invisalign

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Many adults turn to Invisalign if they want to achieve straighter teeth. Traditional braces work as well as Invisalign, but they are more noticeable. Teenagers might also turn to Invisalign, as braces may not be considered the most aesthetically appealing accessory. Invisalign can work well to correct any gaps and misalignment that you may be struggling with. Installing Invisalign is fairly simple. However, once the procedure is complete, you may notice that your teeth feel sore and sensitive. There is nothing wrong with your teeth, they are just reacting to the application of Invisalign and the tightness of the device. If you are not used to this feeling, then it can be uncomfortable. Luckily, there are a few tips you can use to help yourself numb the soreness.

Hold a Cold Pack Against Your Gums

One of the simplest and quickest ways to numb any kind of sore feeling is with the help of an ice pack. An ice pack that is held against the sore site will slow blood flow to this area. As the blood slows, any pain or soreness will slowly subside. In order for this to work, it is important to hold the pack against your teeth and gums for several minutes. Removing it prematurely will just force you to start all over again. You can make your own cold pack at home by taking a handful of ice blocks and adding them to a plastic sandwich bag. Secure the bag with a rubber band or a zip if there is one. Wrap the sandwich bag in a washcloth. Place the pack directly against your teeth and gums. Repeat this throughout the day in order to keep the soreness away.

Use a Tooth Sensitivity Toothpaste

Tooth sensitivity is commonly experienced after a number of dental procedures. The sensitivity feels somewhat like a slight ache or pain. In order to alleviate this pain, dentists recommend using a sensitivity toothpaste to ease the ache. Use the toothpaste to brush your teeth as you normally would and rinse your mouth with warm water. Use the toothpaste to clean your mouth before bed and first thing in the morning. You should quickly begin to notice a difference in how your teeth feel.

A slight ache should only be present a few days after the procedure. If it is still there, contact a dentist like those at Janzen Janzen & Chwa Orthodontics Ltd for more tips. Until then, use these tips to help numb your dental aches and pains.
