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The Tooth Fairy Can Help With Your Child's Dental Care

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Sometimes it can help to have an outside source that your child respects tell your child the same things you tell them, but in a different way. This can help your child to really understand what it is that you have been trying to get across the whole time. Most kids can't wait for the tooth fairy to arrive and leave them money or another special gift when they lose a tooth. However, you can also use the tooth fairy for much more than this. You can use the tooth fairy throughout the year to also ensure that they remember to take good care of their teeth and get that extra bit of reminding and incentive to do so. Consider using some of these methods to get the tooth fairy's help.

Send a letter to your child from the tooth fairy

You can mail your child a letter that's addressed directly to them from the tooth fairy. You can spice this letter up in many ways to make it look like a legit letter. You can put it in stationary that even has fairies and other decorations already on it. Remember, when you are writing the letter you want to write it in small writing so it looks like the tooth fairy wrote it herself.

In the letter you can let them know what you (as the tooth fairy) expect from them as far as proper tooth care. Remind them that you will be inspecting each of the teeth that they lose so you will know if they have been taking your advice or not. You can also give them extra advice in the letter, such as reminding them that they should be brushing their teeth for three minutes and reminding them to floss after they eat, etc.

Leave little hints around the house

You can leave little tiny notes around the house that are written on small pieces of paper and with small type font or handwriting. Add some glitter around the letters so your child thinks that the tooth fairy left some fairy dust behind with the letter. These letters can also be left as praise letters after you notice your child has been taking better care of their teeth.

Surprise your child with a random tooth fairy book

There are many books on the tooth fairy. You can leave one on your child's pillow sometime and pretend like it just showed up there here it came from. They can draw their own conclusion that the tooth fairy left it for them.

To learn about more dentistry tips contact a company like Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry
