A crown is a prosthetic device that covers the natural crown of a tooth, protecting and reinforcing it. Dental crowns are used during many dental restorations, including the placement of a dental implant, the installation of a dental bridge, and the repair of a large cavity or dental fracture. Crowns may also be used for purely cosmetic purposes as they can conceal the imperfections of an underlying tooth.
A dental crown is designed to fit the exact contours of your mouth.…
Pregnancy is something that greatly affects your body for nine months, but it can have lifelong effects too. Additionally, pregnancy has effects on many parts of the body, including your mouth. During pregnancy, you will need to take extra care of your teeth, as this time in your life can have negative effects on the health of your teeth and mouth. Here are several things to understand about pregnancy and the effects it has on your oral health.…
If you’ve got multiple fillings in your teeth or other significant dental work done, it can impact your ability to get metal braces. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re out of luck if your teeth are crooked and you want them straightened. Here’s how you can get your teeth taken care of and achieve the smile you want.
The Problem With Metal Braces
Metal braces are attached to your teeth using very strong dental cement.…