Got Fillings? Here's How You Can Get Your Teeth Straightened

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If you’ve got multiple fillings in your teeth or other significant dental work done, it can impact your ability to get metal braces. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re out of luck if your teeth are crooked and you want them straightened. Here’s how you can get your teeth taken care of and achieve the smile you want. The Problem With Metal Braces Metal braces are attached to your teeth using very strong dental cement.…

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3 Helpful Services Offered By General Dentists For Healthier, Better-Looking Teeth

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At some point, there are going to be problems with your teeth that warrant help from a general dentist. This professional offers many dental services that can restore/repair your teeth. These three in particular may prove to be extremely helpful.  Dental Examinations Sometimes you may not know what’s wrong with your teeth. That’s completely okay because general dentists offer dental examinations, where they look at your teeth to assess their overall health and aesthetics.…

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Tips For Eating In The Hours After Your Dental Implant Procedure

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If you are getting ready to undergo a procedure to receive dental implants, you may be nervous about the first few hours after the surgery. This is especially true if you are wondering if there is anything special you should do to take care of them to ensure that they heal properly. If so, use the following tips for what to eat during the hours after your dental implant procedure.…

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