What To Know About The Different Types Of Dental Crowns

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If you’ve been told that you need a dental crown, know that it is not as simple as showing up and having one put on. There are actually different types of dental crowns, and it helps to know the difference between them so you can pick the right one.  Gold A gold crown was done very often in the past, and can still be a good option for teeth in the back of your mouth.…

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4 Temporary Ways To Replace Missing Teeth While Your Dental Implants Heal

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After implant surgery, unless you had crowns placed on your implants immediately, you’ll appear toothless when you smile. In the front of the mouth, this is a problem. Fortunately, there are several temporary tooth-replacement options available to you. If you are having dental implants placed in the front of your mouth, then one of the following temporary approaches will replace those missing teeth until your implants are ready for their crowns.…

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Steps To Take When Your Child Is Afraid Of The Dentist

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Dentists can be scary for a lot of people, especially younger children. Whether your child just won’t open their mouth when they get to the dentist or they scream and are absolutely terrified to go to the dental office, there are ways you can make things go a bit smoother for your child. Here are a few of them. Schedule a Meeting with the Dentist Ahead of Time Schedule a meeting with the dentist prior to their dental appointment so that your child has a chance to bond with the dentist.…

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