About Treating Decayed Molars & Getting Dental Crowns

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Were you careless about keeping your teeth clean for a long time and have to deal with the consequences of decayed molars now? Depending on the overall condition of the decayed molars, a dentist may be able to treat and preserve the remaining enamel by covering them with dental crowns. Questions that you may have about getting decayed molars treated will be answered in the article below. What Happens Before Crowns are Placed on Decayed Molars?…

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Canker Sores And Helping Your Child Prevent Them

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Your child may be bound to experience a canker sore from time to time. Still, there are things you can do to reduce the recurrence of these sores. Here is some information about canker sores and how you can help to prevent your child from developing them: What is a canker sore? A canker sore is actually an ulcer inside your mouth, but don’t be alarmed. This type of sore is actually pretty common.…

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3 Types Of Fillings Your Dentist May Offer

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So, you’ve found yourself with a cavity, which means a trip to the dentist. What kind of filling will you be offered? Here are three common types of fillings that dentists offer: Gold Fillings A gold filling can also be called an inlay or an onlay. This type of filling is not actually pure gold; it is an alloy of gold, copper, and a few other metals. The biggest advantage of a gold filling is that it lasts longer than most other types of fillings, over 20 years in some cases.…

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