How To Chew (And Drink) Your Way To A Healthier Mouth

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Your oral health plays an important role in your overall well-being. In fact, over 90 percent of systemic diseases have oral symptoms, such as mouth ulcers, first.  Poor oral care can lead to problems with your heart and digestive system.  Luckily, you can easily chew, and drink, your way to a healthier mouth and body. Take Your Time Chewing your food properly can make your mouth healthier.  For instance, the act of chewing helps keep your jaw strong.…

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Dental Crowns: From Start To Finish

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As people age, the adult teeth they gained in early adolescence wear down and weaken. Many people, despite good oral care, often need at least one crown by the time they are in their forties or fifties. Crowns preserve the healthy parts of natural teeth and prevent early tooth loss. If you have never had a crown, the process can be intimidating. Here is how the procedure goes, from start to finish.…

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Keeping Dental Care A Priority For Families On The Move

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If your family moves quite a bit for work, it can be hard to find a stable dentist for your children, much less make appointments in the first place. Whether you or your spouse’s job requires your family to move around the country or the world, keep one thing stable in your children’s lives – the dentist. Here are three ways to ensure that your child’s oral health is kept on schedule even if other areas of your life are on the move.…

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